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Milchigs for a family
Milchigs for a family
Shoes for a family
Shoes for a family
Wine for a family
Wine for a family
Meat for a family
Meat for a family
Clothing for a family
Clothing for a family
Sponsor Shavuos for a family
Sponsor Shavuos for a family


“קבלת התורה בשמחה ובפנימיות”

As Shavuos approaches, this greeting is heard everywhere - in shul, over the phone, on the street. Matan Torah is upon us, and all are preparing to receive this precious gift with joy. All over Crown Heights, people are already busy planning elaborate menus, ordering beautiful paper goods, and buying the perfect yom tov shoes.

For some families, however, these are unaffordable luxuries, and even putting together a simple meal can feel like a stretch.

Your donation allows Keren Anash to provide your neighbors with the little things that make a Yom Tov extraordinary - a special dish, a guest at the table, a new shirt that fits just right.

What better spiritual preparation for Kabalas Hatorah than to see to another Yid’s needs? Take a break from your flower arranging and cheesecake making; donate now and transform your neighbor’s Yom Tov